The Development in School Contexts lab, within the GMU Applied Developmental Psychology program is headed by Dr. Timothy Curby. The DISC lab focuses on understanding the impact of teacher-student relationships and interactions and continues building upon TASSEL. Dr. Curby specializes in both multilevel and longitudinal data analytic approaches, well-suited for fleshing out the dynamic processes inherent to interpersonal student-teacher relationships.
Development in School Contexts Lab Website
Dr. Zinsser has also been very active with TASSEL-related tasks even since leaving the GMU TASSEL Project in May of 2013. Since graduating from GMU and formally leaving the TASSEL project, Dr. Zinsser is currently an assistant professor of Community and Prevention Research Psychology and has established a related program of research at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) where she directs the Social-Emotional Teaching and Learning Lab. Dr. Zinsser
Social-Emotional Teaching and Learning Lab Website